Dispatchers Trained


Correctional Officers Trained


Law Enforcement Officers Trained


A Solution for Your Entire Agency

PLS’s online, reality-based training enhances the capacity of law enforcement officers, dispatchers, and correctional officers to make good decisions. A good decision is one that achieves a positive outcome, applies current law and best practices, protects decision-makers and those they protect, and reduces civil liability.

PLS online continuing education training for police officers, 9-1-1 dispatchers, and correctional officers: 


What We Offer

Legal Update

PLS Legal Update is a cost-effective, state-specific, online, reality-based training system for law enforcement officials in Missouri and Iowa. PLS provides legal training that reviews real court cases and lawsuits, as well as technical and interpersonal skills training. PLS Legal Update is approved for continuing education credit with the Missouri Peace Officer Standards and Training Program(POST) and the Iowa Law Enforcement Academy (ILEA).

Dispatch Pro

PLS Dispatch Pro strengthens dispatcher decision-making skills. Our reality-based training satisfies many state and national CDE re-certification requirements, including for EMDs certified by IAED and APCO. PLS dispatcher training helps agencies reduce the risk of civil liability.

Jail Pro

PLS Jail Pro online reality-based corrections caselaw training is designed to strengthen the ability of correctional officers, jailers, and jail supervisors to make effective decisions and reduce the risk of legal exposure. Jail Pro lessons analyze real court cases and lawsuits. Jail Pro satisfies some states’ in-service training requirements.

For more information, please contact us.

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P.O. Box  52 – Washington,

IA 52353