Moving from traditional in-person training to an online program can feel intimidating, but the transition process is worth the long-term benefits.
Online training is often customizable, heavily researched, and engaging. Agencies also love the flexibility it can provide, as lessons can be completed at each staff member’s own pace.
So, if you’re ready to make the move and implement an online training program for your officers or dispatchers, here’s how we recommend doing so:
1. Select Your Training
There’s a wide selection of online training programs to choose from, so the first step is finding the one that best suits your organization’s needs. Once you find training relevant to your staff, we recommend going through the training program’s lesson topics to determine if they offer accurate, up-to-date information. Specifically, if you’re looking for legal training, make sure it covers court cases and new legislation from the last twelve months. If you’re looking for dispatcher training, make sure it includes best practices on current topics. If you feel good about the content of the lessons, request a demonstration or free trial to make sure the program is easy to use and administer. Select both seasoned and less experienced members of your staff to sample a couple lessons and provide feedback.
Agencies commonly struggle to find job-specific legal training. At Police Legal Sciences, we offer programs uniquely designed for dispatchers, correctional officers, and police officers to ensure lessons are targeted to your needs. We offer new lessons with new content every month to ensure we are offering accurate and timely information.
2. Set Expectations with Staff
Once you’ve picked your training program, introduce it to the rest of your staff. Share why it’s being introduced. After all, you don’t want staff to view training as a tedious homework assignment. While the purpose of training might seem obvious, describe how it’s beneficial to both your organization and to the personal growth among individuals. Tell them how participating in ongoing training satisfies legal requirements, improves morale, fosters engagement, reduces liability, promotes mental health and safety, and establishes a good reputation.
Critically, set deadlines for lesson completion, plan time for discussion, and present consequences for non-completion.
4. Monitor Progress
Keep an eye on training progress, especially within the first few months. Police Legal Sciences training makes it easy for management to log in and view the progress of each person in the agency. We are also available for questions or help with technical issues. Since it takes a while for new processes and routines to stick, remind staff to take training and follow up with staff members who are behind. Finally, follow through on the consequences you’ve set for not completing training.
5. Make Adjustments
Take notes on issues that arise or processes that could be improved, both internally and with your training. You may need to adjust staff deadlines if they feel unrealistic. If you have program-specific issues, make sure you communicate them with your training provider. At Police Legal Sciences, we always appreciate agency feedback. Our clients’ comments help us make training smoother, more effective, and more enjoyable.
Interested in learning more about our online training for police officers, correctional officers, and dispatchers?
Visit our overview page and reach out to learn more!